Democratizing Data Through A National Research Cloud

Big tech and universities jointly push for a national could computing project.

The New York Times reported a new government

On Tuesday, June 30th, the New York Times reported a new government initiative designed to create and fund a national cloud computing project. With bipartisan support from lawmakers, members of both the House and the Senate have already begun the process by proposing to create a task force that will drive the national research cloud. Its intention is to give scientists and academics the same access to data resources and powerful computing currently only available to tech giants.

Established universities and big tech have already backed the idea, including: Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, Ohio State, Google, Amazon and IBM.

An underlying motive of this proposal is to further push the US government to embrace and research AI technology. The funding is to be umbrellaed under the defense budget, as AI is “essential to national security and economic competitiveness.”

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